Starts on June 17 - 12pm to 2pmRegister for Summer Reading at the Library starting Monday, June 17 at 12pm!
Kick Off: Summer Camp at EKPL! We'll be making crafts, eating snacks, and playing all sorts of games revolving around summer camp. And, of course, signing up for Summer Reading! Can't make it on the 17th? No problem! Registration is open for all seven weeks, until August 1. |
Track Your Reading!
Each 1 hour read equals 1 raffle ticket!
Anyone who signs up for summer reading gets a reading tracker! Fill in the tracker and bring it to the library, or email a picture of your tracker to [email protected] to make sure you get those raffle tickets! All raffle tickets go towards the drawing at our End Party, where we celebrate the end of Summer Reading! The more tickets you add to the jars, the better your chance of winning one of the big prizes (seen below). |
By reading lots, participating in programs, visiting the library, and playing games, you will be able to accumulate raffle tickets! We have three BIG prizes to raffle out at the End Party, on August 3rd. While not everyone will be able to get one of the big three, anyone who participates will get a prize at the end of summer reading.
Prizes are displayed in the display cabinet at the front of the library.
Prizes are displayed in the display cabinet at the front of the library.
Want to win one of these baskets? Be sure to earn LOTS of raffle tickets!
** Each participant will earn only one prize **
** Each participant will earn only one prize **